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Test Service Kawa Kx 500 AF

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Bueno pues aqui os dejo un test hecho por la web Transworld Motocross, esta en ingles, pero si quereis pongo una cutre-traduccion de google.


Back when men were men and motocross bikes were faster than they needed to be, 500cc two-strokes ruled the roost-no pun intended. In the heyday of motocross, names like Jeff Stanton, Ricky Johnson, Mike Kiedrowski, and Mike LaRaocco were the stars aboard these blistering fast machines, competing for the once coveted 500cc National Championship. Since then, however, times have changed, as four-strokes have rapidly become the dominating machines in both professional and amateur competition around the world.

Due to the simple fact that the new four-stroke technology has taken over, two-strokes have gone the way the way of the Dodo for most manufacturers, and to quite a few riders, are all but forgotten memories of motocross’ past. Thankfully, though, for all the diehard premix fans out there who want to go ridiculously fast, Service Honda has come to the rescue with the new Service Kawasaki KX500AF. Packing quite a punch, and squeezed into a 2009 KX250F frame, the KX500AF is without a doubt, an interesting bike.


Brendan Lutes on the KX500AF.


Service Honda has long been know for… you guessed it, squeezing Honda CR500R motors into modern aluminum framed chassis, but up until this year, the company hasn’t ventured into producing a bike based on the KX500.

Through a special agreement with Kawasaki, Service Honda uses brand-new components to build each KX500AF. To begin the project, Service Honda takes a stock KX250F and strips it down, cutting the frame and welding new down spars in place to hold the powerful KX500 motor. From there, the motor is slipped in while all the necessary components are mounted up to complete the bike. When everything is said and done, the KX500 motor fits flawlessly into the KX250F chassis. A few of the custom features that make up the KX500AF include custom front airbox plate for optimum airflow along with a new airboot, a stainless steel clutch cable for increased life. a works-style aluminum skid plate, and a 39mm Keihin PWK carburetor to feed the motor.


As far as suspension is concerned. Service Honda recommends getting it revalved by MX Tech Suspension in order to handle the new characteristics of the powerful KX500AF. When we took delivery of our test bike, the first thing we did was mount up massaged suspension-although from Pro Action rather than MX Tech-off of our KX250F test bike, giving the 500 the highly recommended upgrade. Other than that, our KX500AF was left largely untouched from the condition and setup that it was delivered to us in.


The Service Kawasaki KX500AF is a very powerful bike that demands respect from anyone that swings a leg over it-the power is instantaneous and awesome. Out on the track, the low-end grunt is something that one has to feel to believe, and once the throttle is cracked, it comes on strong, pulling very hard into the upper portion of the powerband. It pulled so far that even on fast tracks we struggled to find where the power signed off. Compared to other two-strokes we have ridden in the past, the 500 has more of a tractor-like powerband. While the power is very strong, it is strong in a different way, allowing some control over what most would think to be an uncontrollable experience. On the other hand, though, this power can be deceiving, as it builds up and continues to pull forever.

We haven’t ridden an original KX500 since, well…. we don’t remember, so it’s kind of difficult to comment on the vibration of the Service bike compared to the old chassis, however we can say that the vibration of the KX500AF isn’t bad. While it does vibrate a little more than a four-stroke, it isn’t enough to make for an unpleasant ride, but rather enough to wear you out quicker than normal. The 500 is a potent bike, and because of that, it’s going to wear the rider out a little more. Having said that, however the Service bike is much more nimble than we had expected before riding it. The lightweight 250F chassis provides a very modern feel to the ride, while working well with the powerful 500cc engine, giving the bike a controllable feel despite the big motor. As for the suspension, we swapped out the stock suspension in favor of Pro Action suspension and the end result was excellent.

The bike never felt nervous at speed down straights, and was very confidence-inspiring over jumps. As for smaller hits-braking bumps and acceleration bumps-the forks and shock worked very well to keep the bike riding straight. Simply put, if you like the handling characteristics of the KX250F, you’re going to like the way the KX500AF handles after a little suspension tuning.


Our time aboard the big green Service Kawasaki KX500AF was a blast. Before riding it, we had our questions about whether or not it would perform up to par, but after testing it in races and at various local tracks, we have come away surprised with how well it works as a complete package. One thing is for sure though, in spite of the new chassis and ergonomics, the KX500AF remains a true “man’s” bike, as the brute power is something that can’t be taken lightly, not to mention holding on for an extended period of time requires more training for the truly dedicated. For everyone else, it’s a lot of fun no matter what.


There’s No Replacement For Displacement

By Brendan Lutes

Up until the time when the Service Kawaski KX500AF arrived at our offices, I had only swung a leg over a 500cc two-stroke once in my life. I always thought that the fabled bikes of yesteryear would be way too much to handle for anyone, and that for me, I wouldn’t be able to ride to my full potential. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


After getting used to the KX500AF and pounding out a few motos, I became aware that although the big bike commanded a lot of respect, it was a bike that was very fun to ride. The instant power allowed me to ride around the track and be lazy-I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not-and the lightweight chassis that the motor was placed into gave the bike a feeling reminiscent of the modern four-strokes I have become accustomed to. While I did get tired much quicker, it wasn’t something that I couldn’t overcome with a little more seat time aboard the big bike, or a little more time at the gym rather than my favorite watering hole. In fact, since taking delivery of the KX500AF, I’ve even raced it and had a blast. But riding motos on it is one thing; where the test really got interesting for me was when we broke out the stopwatch.

After being timed aboard the big KX500AF at Racetown 395, I hoped on my more familiar KX450F and immediately felt right at home. While pounding out timed laps, I clearly remember thinking to myself, “Man, I’m killing the lap times I set on the 500!. Upon pulling back into the pits, however, I found that I couldn’t have been further from the truth. While I felt faster and more at home on the 450, my lap times on the 500 were consistently two to three seconds a lap faster. In the end, the truth of the matter was that the brute power of the 500 undoubtedly allowed me to carry more speed down the straights and through the corners-even if it didn’t feel like it-giving the big bike that little edge over the 450. Even though the lap times speak for themselves, under race conditions, and on a rough track, I would probably pick the 450 over the 500. I’m more comfortable on the 450, and I can ride it at a consistent pace for a longer period of time. Nonetheless, I still had a blast during my time testing the 500. It’s definitely something different and fun.

Despues de leerlo, lo que esta claro es que sabiendola llevar; es mas rapida que una 450 4t.


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lo que esta claro es que sabiendola llevar; es mas rapida que una 450 4t.

yaya pero y quien la sabe llevar? por que si ya es dificil una 250 2t no me quiero imaginar la 500

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Pemsaba que ningun fabricante desarrollaba las 550.c.c.dos tiempos,y este modelo es nuevo,y el tema de pilotarla,los pilotos cada dia quieren cilindradas mas pequeñas,mirad a cairoli,350cc,PERO el gustazo de pilotar una 500cc dos tiempos,joder,

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La sepa o no llevar yo quiero una de esas jejejej lastima del precio y que no las haya a patadas de segunda mano, quizas algun dia ponga un post de que me he pillado una de las 500 2t que ahora hacen artesanalmente, hace poco consultando el ebay de inglaterra vi una cr 500 del 2010 ya sabeis que llevan el chasis de la crf 250 del 2008 y un motor 500 recuperado y reparado pero del 95 mas o menos pues se vendia por 5000€, lastima de esta crisis de mierda que me esta consumiendo junto con la hipoteca que me la hicieron fija los del banco hasta el 2012.

En fin pedazo de makinas yo cambiaba las dos que ahora tengo en venta por una de esas jejejejej

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  • 11 months later...

Buenas gente.

Primero presentarme.

Soy de cerca de Valls , Tarragona, Catalunya. Tengo una kx125 2009 (ultimo modelo 2007).

Mi intencion ultimamente viendo estos pepinos de AFS (Aluminium Frame Special)es pedir una a "las americas". jejej

He stado hablando con SERVICEHONDA y me dan un precio de 11.000 $ = unos 7.600€ para la KX250AF 2011 edicion monster.y 11.500 $ = unos 8100€ para la KX500AF 2011 edicion monster tambien . He pasado los precios que me han mandado a euros y resultan ser bastante asequibles en mi opinion sabiendo de lo que se tratan estas motos. Ambas,por cierto, montadas sobre un chassis de kxf250 2011.

Pero luego to iluminao por estos precios me pongo en contacto con el importador para españa, que es AFBIGBORES y sorpresa:

Me dice que ambas cuestan 10.600€. 3.000€ mas para el importador. Por ese precio compro 2 kx250 corrientes nuevas,jajajaj Y ademas ,creo que lo entendi bien ,he de pagar los portes desde luxemburgo hasta aqui.

si el precio fuera mas bajo pediria la 250 que es con la que yo iria comodo pero... me roban 3.000 pavos por cruzar el charco. ¿¿¿como hay que tomarselo??.

Si alguien ha pedido alguna moto a esta gente nos ponemos en contacto. soy :

Si es que estos precios tan elevados son de veras ciertos me estoy planteando de hacerme una yo, soy soldador, ahun que para mi lo mejor era adquirir la moto nueva ya que tendria que buscar-me un equipo de tig compatible aluminio si la quiero hacer y ademas esta gente estudian muy bien sus geometrias y soldan con el mismo aleaje con el que esta hecho el chassis , asi como los tubos bajos que sustituyen, tambien son del mismo material que el chassis original,no es aluminio corriente, recordad, despues vas a hacer motocross, es decir, que no se parta la motejo, cosa que nosotros al hacer un proto de estos no tenemos ningun plano y solo dispones de 1 intento,por esto tenia la idea de pillarla nueva.

asi que ya saveis!, qualquier informacion me sera de gran ayuda.y si alguien piensa pedir alguna a esta gente AFBIGBORES , meter-les caña, yo lo he hecho un poco, no hay derecho .Realmente estava decidido ya,:( creia que iban a ser de 500 a 1000€ de diferencia de Servicehonda al importador pero veo que es un "poquito" mas...

¿hay alguna casa europea que se dedique a esto?

Por cierto "alvaroextremexc" podrias mandar fotos a mi e-mail cuando termines el trasto, por si decido ,al final, hacer el manitas yo , en vez de comprar-la nueva.

Muchas gracias a todo lo que podais comentar.

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Benvingut rsmrsm :wink:

Creo que hay una empresa en Belgica que trae esos pepinos de USA, tanto Kawa como Honda... Tambien decirte que hay varios foreros que han hecho la transformación de estos bicharracos, incluso hay uno, creo que de Girona, que vende un chasis Honda ya preparado:

Y aquí una CR 500 AF por 5000 €

Si encuentro toda esta información, te la pasaré. Y si te haces con una bestia de estas ponte unas fotos para babear un rato.

Por cierto, me gusta más la verde :mrgreen:


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estas las venden en francia y costaba unos 11000euros

son motores honda o no?las que llevan estas kawas

eso de que sea mas rapidas que unas 450, com mas traccion injeccion y mas de 50 caballos,no creo,esos motores llevan muchisimos años sin evolucionar y creo que son los que tenian para recanbio en honda usa

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No, son motores kawasaki 2003 ultima modificacion del KIPS (valvula de escape).

en el caso de la kawa esta valvula es mecanica a diferencia de la electronica en la honda, y rinde mas caballos que esta . 68.9hp la kawa unos 64 la honda creo.

Tiene que ser indomable y montada en un kxf250 :roll: :roll: , yo me he interesado mas por la 250, montada en el mismo chassis y motor 250 kawasaki 2007 (ultimo año modificado).Ese trasto ha de ir muy bien.

Pero bueno como ya os he dicho se me han pasado las ganas viendo los mierrdatotal precios que me da el importador, parece que el hombre paga 38% de IVA en vez de IVA18% y 2% de derechos de importacion.jajajaj

Bah kien estubiera viviendo en AAIIOOOUUAAAA !!!!ajajajaj

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Estamos en un pais que tenemos que pagar por todo lo de fuera .

La kawa tendra una entrega de potencia mas suave ya que tiene valvula de escape cosa que la honda no tiene .

La lastima de las kawa eran los depositos prehistoricos , jejeje

Conozco un chico que corria el campenato frances de supermotard con una kawa preparada por j.cros hi hiva muy rapido , un año quedo 7 del campeonato y mejor piloto privado creo .

Es una lastima que no haya ningun importador serio .

Molaria una comparativa de una Kawasaki KX 500AF con una Honda CR 500AF .


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Muy bonita .

Pero estas motos solo se ven plan poster no se be ningún vídeo de nadie que tenga ninguna parecen ser la manzana prohibida .

De hondas AF ho proyectos se ven muchos mas , serán mas fáciles de llevar o de encontrar ho se vendieron mas hondas que kawas .

Lo de comprarla en service honda porque utilizan el mismo material no estoy seguro porque en cuanto a la honda la parte de la cuna la construyen nueva y entera . De lo que se be en fotos lo sacan de una base maciza de aluminio porque la misma cuna lleva el soporte delantero del motor y ha día de hoy todos los soportes del motor van independientes y soldados .




Aquí un privilegiado .


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Molaria una comparativa de una Kawasaki KX 500AF con una Honda CR 500AF .

Ya se ha hecho la KX-AF es mas rapida que la CR-AF pero vaya igual que las KX de serie eran mas rapidas

que las CR aparte de eso y lo de la valvula que ya has comentado poco mas añadir que son dos maquinas que cualquiera que

sepa de motos querria en su garaje.

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